Catching Katy

Reads, Eats, & Everything Else

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Here’s to Another Year

I don’t normally do annual posts for my birthday, but this year threw a little curve ball. Just one week ago, instead of standing with my beautiful friend as she married the man of her dreams, I was in the ICU. And it was scary. Medical issues are not a new venture for me, but it’s not something I deal with on a regular basis anymore. My hematologist even bid me farewell just 2 months ago after seeing a hematologist regularly for 20 years.

I’ll spare you all the fun details, but a fever literally came out of nowhere (at the rehearsal dinner of course) and because I don’t have a spleen, my body cannot handle that. This has happened before, about 5 years ago, but I did not end up in the ICU last time. I made a pretty quick recovery, at least from ICU to going home, but just like last time, there was no real diagnosis. Not exactly an easy thing to deal with.

I write all this for the super cheesy but sometimes necessary reminder to not take anything for granted. When I was in need, I had the most amazing people by my side. From my parents who have been through it all for years to two incredible people who could have easily squirmed away. I received an outpouring of love, prayers, well wishes, flowers and coloring books from friends and coworkers. I am a very lucky woman and I am glad I can relax on my birthday (just slightly against my will/ability) and appreciate those who make my life incredible.

Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes this week and birthday wishes today!! Here’s to another year of health, fun, and adventures at 31!



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The Big 3-0

The day has finally arrived. The end. Well, at least the end of my 30 before 30 list. Today is big 3-0 birthday. And despite a sweet first grader (from #10 on my list) guessing this week’s celebratory day to be my 39th (which was better than the first kid’s guess of 80), I am excited! My 30th year was a solid – there was fun, travel, growing, and some major decisions. I did some awesome things to prepare for this day, as is reflected in my list that I spent a little less than 2 years working on. I’d call it a success – crossing off 24 things officially, but unofficially 25 as I am pretty much counting #5 to volunteer for a race – I signed up, I got up and was on my way, and they canceled the race. So we’ll call it 25.

Some that I did not complete simply required more prep than I had time for this year – training for one more triathlon or a bike race – while others just fell off the radar – learning to play my guitar or staying in a nice hotel. But I got to cross off some pretty amazing things: travels (GreeceOhio, & family road trip), running my 4th half marathon and blowing my best time to pieces, eating my way around Atlanta (#11), and loving the outdoors (#1), among many more.

I don’t understand the big deal about 30 (my dad still remembers one of his sisters thinking the world was over turning 30). I’m surrounded by people I love who care about me, I have a job and a great condo, I’m keeping my mind sharp in classes, I have been celebrating all week and I am now on the way to the beach with some of my favorite gals. Thirty, schmirty. This is the best birthday ever!



Today marks my quarter life – though luckily not so much a crisis. I want to thank some people who have meant so much to me in the first part of my life.

My friends. Some oldies but goodies:





And last but most CERTAINLY not least:

My brother, Scott

My parents


Lots of love to you all!!!